I'd keep this parked in the house not in the ghetto. This is a beautiful truck. They also have the ext which looks like the Chevy avalanche
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Nissan GT-R
This car replaces the Japanese supercharged super car known as the skyline. For a while it was only available in Japan but with the growing interest in tuner cars made popular by the Fast and Furious it was made available in the states. .
Sunday, July 22, 2012
BMW owner needs lessons in parking etiquette
I was @ BJs Brewhouse in Brentwood CA with my family when my my bride to be tried to find parking. This arrogant snob parked their 7 series BMW up front taking up two spots. Really? You can't park away from other cars like a civilized human? Your car is more important than the little old lady who can't walk very far? Park in the back away from other cars and walk like the rest of society. if your that afraid of dinging your precious $70k car don't drive it.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Big baaaad 2010 mustang
I have always loved mustangs. In fact my first car was a 1990 Ford mustang convertible lx with a 2.3l 4 cylinder. The mustang has evolved quite a lot since 1964 when they first designed it as a car. This all black gt looks almost like the KRGT500 in the Knight rider movie. It will always be an American icon.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
This is my fiancée please check out her Facebook fan page and like it
http://t.co/j8BRWnnb -- Romance Book Club (@romancebookclub)
This should be exciting!
We still get chills when we see the #Impala reveal at the #NYIAS. Who's excited for the 2014 Impala to hit dealerships? http://t.co/r8Z141V8 -- Chevrolet (@chevrolet)
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Honda civic with different rims
How tacky is that? Personally id go with all four of the back ones. It looks as if the front are bigger than the back which kills handling. I sure hope they don't race it.
99 f250
This I think is the best year for these trucks. Because they just said ill get the job done. Nice lines I like the color and its a simple work truck.
Monday, July 16, 2012
We're up and running!
With the help of my gorgeous fiancée Joyce ... mackenstrucks.com is up and running! Check it out!
This is bound to be the number one vehicle source on the planet so stay posted for all the latest and greatest information in the truck industry!